Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog Post #1

If I could build my own school it would be a place that the kids would never dread going to! Like Krissy Venosdale my school would be colorful and very hands on. All of the artwork in the school would be done by the students. Every year on the first day the students and teachers would spend the day painting and decorating the school how they wanted it that year. The teachers would be friendly and caring toward students and each other. The library would be covered in comfy bean bags and stocked with thousands of books. I would make a thirty minute slot after lunch to hang out and read in the library. During this time, students will have access to computers and tablets to work on homework or further explore the topics they are learning about.  The cafeteria would serve yummy but nutritious foods and would always have a variety to choose from. Teachers would be more focused on the students learning and understanding the materials taught than making sure everything got briefly covered. There would be no standardized test to prepare for, EVER. Field trips would be almost a weekly thing! There is almost always somewhere to go for hands on experience for any topic of study! If it is not possible to go then it will be brought to the school!

What do you want your students to know (in general terms)?
I want my students to know that they are special and that they are important! They need to understand that they do matter! I also want them to understand that it is perfectly okay to be different than everyone else! If we were all the same the world would be a boring place! We can't all be hands, somebody has to be a foot or an ear!

What do you want your students to be able to do (in general terms)?
I want my students to be able to not only succeed academically but also in their lives! I want them to use school to help them in other areas of their lives. For example, giving presentations in front of the class can help boost their confidence!

What will be your primary way of teaching your students what you want them to know and 
to do?
I will be a very hands on type of teacher because I am a hands on type of learner. I think most people, especially children, are also this way! I will participate in class projects rather than just watch and grade.

What tools will you use in your classroom?
In my classroom I will use technology as much as possible but I will also be using lots of crayons, makers and paper! I will use whatever it takes to make sure my kids understand the topic!

What role will students play in your classroom, i.e. how will they participate in the 
learning process? 
I don't want to lecture to a class and not know that no one understands until test time. I want them to ask questions and participate in all activities! I want each student to take a topic and become the teacher for the day and teach the class everything about their topic! I also want to have hands on activities daily so that students can fully understand what I am trying to teach them.


  1. Savannah I like your emphasis on the social aspect of your student's lives. Like Krissy said its important to make children smart and well rounded at the same time.

  2. Savannah,

    I am totally with you on putting an end to standardized testing in all grade levels! SAT's and ACT's are just fueling fire to the burp-back education techniques because students are required to take these tests, therefore, teachers have to prepare their students for them. I also feel it is important for students to do presentations in front of the classroom to build self-confidence and boost self-esteem. I never had to present projects in front of my classmates when I was in elementary school. When I made my way to high school, I was so nervous about presenting projects in front of my classmates! What better way to prepare for presentations in high school and college than to start that process in elementary schools? I read that you are a hands-on type learner, and I am as well! I definitely want to teach in a hands-on learning environment. You have great ideas for when you become a teacher. Watch out for grammatical errors and also watch out for double negatives in your sentences. For example, the first sentence in your last section. Overall, great content!

  3. Thoughtful. Interesting.

    What about Sugata Mitra? You never mention him or his ideas, experiments, thoughts about education. Did you watch the video? the evidence indicates you did not. You must always do all parts of an assignment.

    See Brylyn's comment about multiple negatives in a single sentence.
