I am very creative. I am very bad with time management.
I make lessons fun for my students. I am not super organized.
I have years of experience with kids.
I am very excited about using project based learning in my future classroom! It is a fun way to keep students interested in what they are learning. It also helps the students learn more because they actually have to do something instead of just listening to the teacher talk.
In the video How to Make an Audio QR Code, we learn how to create a QR code. A QR code is very similar to a bar code. You can take your smartphone and scan the QR code box and it will lead you to whatever information is embedded in the code. In the video, she is creating an audio QR code to send to her students' parents.
In iPad Reading Center, we see the iPads being used in the classroom. She uses the iPad as a reading center. She has the student record himself reading and then listen to it to see if he made any mistakes. These could be a great phonemic awareness tool.
In Poplet with Ginger Tuck, Ms. Tuck shares an app, Poplet, with us. Poplet allows her kindergartners to make webs. She mostly uses the app to help students create information webs after they read a book. This would be a great tool for helping with comprehension.
In AVL and Kindergarten Students, we see how to use Alabama Virtual Library on the iPad in a center. Ms. Tuck will give a word to thee students and the student will then search it in Alabama Virtual Library. They then listen to the examples that the search gave them and draw a picture and write a sentence of what they have searched.
In the video, Tuck iMovie Trailer For Kids, Ms. Tuck shows us what she has learned on iMovie and how she aplies it in her classroom. I love the book trailer idea and will use it in my future classroom.
In Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project, Ms. Shirley show us one of her students boards on Discovery Education. The boards are useful to display what the student is learning on one big page. They can add pictures, videos, anything they want to help them.
We can see two examples of the boards mentioned above, in Mrs. Tassin’s 2nd Grade Class. Example 1 Example 2
In the interview, Using iMovie and Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Bennett discuss using iMovie and Alabama Virtual Library in their classrooms. Mrs. Bennett loves that her kindergarten students enjoy using iMovie. Mrs. Davis talks about how Alabama Virtual Library improves the use of iMovie.
In the interview, Twitter For Educators, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Bennett discuss how twitter has helped them with keeping up with new things in education. It also has linked them to people from all over the world using one little hash tag.
In Dr. Strange's Talk with Teachers We All Become Learners, the discuss that fact that teachers have to be learners as well. One example that Mrs. Bennett gives is that her student had to show her how to take a picture on the iPad. As educators, sometimes are students are going to know more about technology than us because it is what they grew up with. We just need to accept the fact that that we can learn from our students.
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