My teacher for this C4Ta is Angela Maiers.
In the firat blog of hers that I read, How Companies and People Must Adapt in the Social Age, Angela talks about the interview between Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt in their book, A World Gone Social. She summarizes what she takes out of the discussion and also includes the original interview video do that you can watch the video in you want. One of the points she brings up is that students have their own voice. I completely agree with this statement. Students need to know that WHAT they say matters.
The next post I read was called Getting to the Heart of Collaboration. Angela talks about what collaboration is. She says that we miss a very important part of collaboration: value creation. She goes on to say that collaboration has three parts: team, process, and purpose. The steps translate into: two or more people working together toward shared goals. She points out that a group of people using social software is not technically collaboration. In her list of things that she feels makes up collaboration, she has that sharing is constant. I completely agree with this. How are you suppose to collaborate with another person if you're not sharing your thoughts on the subject?
Good. Please remember to proof read yours posts before publishing, however.