Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blog Post #4

I feel that sometimes as teachers we ask a lot of questions but we do not ask the correct questions. We wait until the end of our lesson, then ask "does anyone have questions?" Most of the time no one says anything so the teacher assumes that everyone understands and that she can move on but that is not always true. I have always hated being the only one who didn't understand so I would wait until we were working individualy with the teacher to ask my questions. I still do this, even in college! After using Padlet, I realized that it would be a great tool for the students to ask questions anonomsly. In The Right Way to Ask Questions, it is brought up to ask a question like ""What is it called when a bear sleeps for the winter?" and give the class three seconds to think about the answer then call on a random person. When doing this instead of calling on the ones that have their hands raised, it forces everyone to think about the answer so that they will be ready if they get called on.


  1. Savannah,
    I have always hating asking questions in class. I feel like a lot of students feels this way because they think that rest of the class may make fun of them for not understand something. The truth is, there are probable many more students who do no understand the same thing. I like that you referred to Padlet as a way for students to ask their questions. I feel like that is a great idea!

  2. Good.

    "ask questions anonomsly"--anonymously
